About the Journal

The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law (JCL) provides a forum for the academic advancement and interdisciplinary study of constitutional law. To that end, JCL cultivates innovative scholarship, promotes critical perspectives, and reinvents the traditional study of constitutional law. As part of its mission, JCL is committed to publishing five issues each year via both print and electronic mediums. 

The Journal also publishes JCL Online - JCL Online is part of the Journal’s larger strategic vision of fostering academic discourse on cutting-edge issues in constitutional law. Volume 14 established JCL Online, originally called Heightened Scrutiny, as the Journal’s online supplement, and Volume 15 was the first edition to be formally published as a companion to our print edition. Essays published on JCL Online in Volume 16 or earlier may be cited as U. Pa. J. Const. L. Height. Scrutiny. Thereafter, cite to U. Pa. J. Const. L. Online. 

JCL is one of only seventeen non-law review publications ranked in the top 55 legal journals nationwide for the most citations and impact. As a result of our position within the legal academy, JCL is fortunate to receive and publish the work of some of the leading scholars in the field, including the Honorable Sandra Day O’Connor, the Honorable Guido Calabresi, the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett, Richard Epstein, Laurence Tribe, Seth Kreimer, Kermit Roosevelt, Erwin Chemerinsky, William Ewald, Marci Hamilton, Barry Cushman, Sandy Levinson, Martin Redish, David Rudovsky, Mark Tushnet, the Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg, and Jerry Mashaw. 


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JCL Through the Years