Volume 23 Symposium

The Journal of Constitutional Law presents its annual Symposium, "The Past, Present, and Future of Presidential Elections," to take place at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School. The Journal invites lawyers, scholars, Journal alumni, students (both graduate and undergraduate), and other interested parties to attend. The Symposium will take place January 29, 2021.

Given the impact of COVID-19 on daily life, the Journal will be hosting this symposium via Zoom. Register here to receive a link to the Zoom panels.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at conlaw@law.upenn.edu.


The History of U.S. Presidential Elections

Professor Jack Rakove (Stanford University)

Professor Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton University)

Professor William Ewald (University of Pennsylvania Law School)

2020 Presidential Election: The Current State of U.S. Political Parties

Professor Alex Keyssar (Harvard University)

Professor Edward Foley (The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law)

Professor Guy-Uriel Charles (Duke University School of Law)

The Future of U.S. Presidential Elections
Jesse Wegman (Editorial Board, The New York Times)

Professor Bradley Smith (Capital University Law School)

Joel Benenson (CEO of the Benenson Strategy Group)

Matthew Dowd (Political Analyst, ABC News)